So I logged in to my blog account today after taking a rather long break (two months to be exact) and I did wonder if I would have any followers left!
I do! A big thank you to all of you for sticking around.
The last few months have been crazy (two hospital visits and a scare that the baby was coming at 34 weeks, a hectic move while I was on bed-rest, and our baby coming 10 days early through an emergency c-section), and I would love to say that the craziness has ended, but as any other mom can attest to, life with a newborn isn't exactly easy. I have to admit, I love my sleep...or at least, a little bit of not getting much of it at all has been hard. I love the new role of mom, though, and I have been assured that it does get easier as the weeks go on.
Writing has been put on hold for now, but I feel hopeful for this summer. Our new home is in the country, overlooking fields with horses, and is a perfect place for writing, and my new little muse has already proven to get my creative juices flowing. First, I must catch up on my sleep! Until then, blogging and writing might be sporadic, but I am still around :)
You are a great Mom babe. I am amazed @ how strong you are and how much love you have for your family. People that follow your blogs didn't know that. They do now :)
Ah, the baby always comes first! My 3 1/2 year old has been very difficult for me to work around, but it DOES get easier as the years go by. The first year was the hardest for me. The first 3 months the hardest out of that.
Your daughter is beautiful!!! I'm so glad to see you around, and I wish you all the luck in the world.
Naptime = Writingtime.
Well, when you've caught up on sleep.
I have that pic as my background! she is too cute!
I can't wait to see you both (all, sorry J)
We got approved for the new house! its so exciting and nerve wracking because its sooo big!
anyways does tuesday work for a little visit? FB me.
I love this newborn stage (how tiny and cute she is) but I look forward to the sleep balancing out. I joked to my husband this morning (ok, technically afternoon) that I feel like a vampire. I stay up most of the night and sleep during the day.
Writing shall be starting shortly, though! I decided to start small with maybe 1000 words a day for now, and then I can start upping my goals as both baby and I adjust to a more normal schedule. I hope that is soon!!!
1,000 words a day? Holy crap! I couldn't have managed that with a newborn. :)
More power to you! I can hardly manage 1,000 a day right now. Sigh. I'm just slow.
Hmmm, maybe my initial plan is a bit high...we'll see. I know that once I get started, I can probably write a good 500 words in an hour. This is for the rough draft, of course. The editing process always takes me a lot longer, unless I get into the zone. It has been almost a year since I've been in that place.
I really think that the goal of writing a novel will help to be a saving grace for me over the next few months. I've already found it hard to be stuck at home with no life (and no car since we only have one between my husband and I, and he takes it to work every day), and no purpose other than taking care of the baby. My creative brain needs an outlet!
THAT is exactly why I started writing again. We only have one car, too, and my husband works full time, goes to school full time, and is an actor. He's never home. And I never have a car. So...writing it is. Good luck! If you ever need mommy tips, I'm happy to help. I've got a lot of them. :)
Good thing we have a hobby to help pass the days! I'm already sick of television, and can't wait until the baby starts sleeping a bit better so that I can focus on writing. Right now every spare second goes towards remembering to eat, do laundry and hopefully the dishes.
I will definitely ask for mommy tips! There seems to be so much to learn and at times I feel overwhelmed with the responsibility of taking care of a little person. I'm still trying to figure out what her different cries mean.
Well, I'm off to get in a few more hours of sleep this morning, and maybe this afternoon I can get out for a walk and start brainstorming some plot ideas :)
Morgan, I never did figure out my daughter's cries. It was all just screaming. She has been a screamer since she came out of me. Sigh. She was a more difficult child than most - at least my mom and my mother-in-law have said so, and I looked at them in horror, thinking this isn't normal? I think my daughter has some severe ADD symptoms (runs on my husband's side, but she's too young to diagnose at the moment.
I remember getting sick of television, ugh! I watched a lot of movies. If it helps you any, which it probably doesn't, I didn't start writing until my daughter was about two years old. I simply couldn't sit down long enough to concentrate, and I had already taken a three year break before that. My muse had disappeared.
I think the more you can keep a hobby to yourself and even turn it into something very serious, the better. It certainly keeps me sane. Still, I have to remember to focus as much on my daughter now that she entertains herself for long periods of time, as much as I focus on my writing. I hate the idea of ignoring her too much. :(
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