Saturday, June 20, 2009

When adults throw temper tantrums

I overheard a conversation at work the other day. A lady was upset that she was being turned away from our clinic because she lacked the proper paperwork. Even though my co-workers were just doing their jobs, this forty-something year-old woman threw a hissy fit. This got my brain's times like this that I wish I had super-powers.

The characters I am writing about have some truly stellar abilities. As I write their really cool ass-kicking scenes, I cannot help but think, as Dane Cook so adequately put it, "Why not ME!"

You think the earth revolves around YOU, lady. Well....let's just see you get all up in my face when I'm all shimmery and shooting fireballs from my fingers. That would shut you up. And if you can't seem to appreciate how easy we really have it here in North America, I might just have to 'poof' you to Africa, or some other place where people are happy just to get through the day alive, so you might understand that having to wait in line, or drive across town to get a doctor's signature really isn't that bad. Then, you can TRULY understand suffering.

Ohhhh....and the people who are rude to the waiters in a restaurant. Don't get me started. I know that spanking is a taboo subject, but come on, and little bit of a paddle on the bum with a couple of soup spoons isn't going to harm 'em, just tenderize them a bit, until they apologize and repent of their snooty ways.

My husband says he would love to have Magneto's power to manipulate all things metal. Then, when some idiot driver cuts him off, he would lift the guy's car into the air and flip him around a couple times before smashing the poor fella into the ground. A little extreme for my tastes. But, hey, to each his own!


Laura Martone said...

My hubby gets way too angry on the road, too - I wish he'd embrace patience, but I do believe that he'd prefer your husband's approach. His conviction is that every person who cuts him off or does something similarly horrendous on the road must be a jerk all the time. I prefer to believe that at least a few of those terrible drivers are just having a rough day - and they're not ALL a-holes. But that's just me. :-)

Michelle McLean said...

LOL ahhh, I'd love some super powers, especially when my kids totally trash my house. I'd love to just snap my fingers and have everything sparkling clean. Ooo, actually I'd love Piper's powers (from Charmed) - Freezing time and blowing things up would be so awesome :D