Sunday, June 7, 2009

My introduction

I did not think that I would be the type to write a blog. I haven't really had the time for it, and what time I have had, I've spent reading other people's blogs. But the idea has grown on me, so here I am, sharing my thoughts with whoever happens across this page in cyberspace (thus far, it is only you, Purple Clover, so thank you for your support!).

As an aspiring writer...well,ok, technically I already write, so I really mean, 'as a writer aspiring to be published'...I have done some research and learned that it is good to network, and put yourself out there. I have to start somewhere, so here it is, an online journal of my writing journey, as I search within myself to learn, and discover, and convey my deepest passions and fears to all who will listen.

Let me start with a passion. It has always been a desire of mine to make people care. Life is busy, stressful, even agonizing at times, and so often we have just enough energy to get through the day. What I have always enjoyed is when a book or a movie has awakened that part of me that FEELS, that GASPS, that CRIES, that HOPES, that makes me feel loss at the end, because it was just a story, but yet it made me feel so alive.

I want to write such a story. I want to make people cry (sounds horrid, but I say it with the best intentions). I want to make people laugh, then a few pages later, hold their breaths in wicked suspense (and maybe put the book in the freezer, like Joey from 'Friends,' because the tension is too much to bear). I want to make people think, make them examine their own lives for the truths that we so often ignore. I want to help people see that there is a hope for all of us, that we are capable of so much more than we can even imagine, and that our beauty is stronger than our weakness.

I will either succeed at this this, or I will at least succeed at trying. And trying is better than wishing, and doubting, and doing nothing.

So here I am....and it is way past my bedtime. But I did something. It's a start :)

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